Saturday, March 5, 2011

Distractions and Interruptions

This is a special message for the ladies at Lewis and Clark Church who are studying Sacred Signposts...but you're all welcome to read it.

Do you often get interrupted or distracted when you're trying to pray? Let me share a story with you.

It's a true story, and it happened during the Second World War. There was a professor called Jack who lived in a country village in England. He loved solitude and quietness because he was not just a professor but a writer—an author of Christian books. He needed quiet times to study and write. But during that time, many parents in London sent their children away from the danger of the bombs that were falling on the city so regularly, and people in country villages let these children stay with them. Jack felt that serving others was the way to put Christianity into practice, so he agreed to let several children stay with him. They interrupted his work. His home was no longer quiet. He was distracted.

But one rainy day one of those children began playing in an old wardrobe and wondering what might be behind it. And suddenly, this interruption gave the professor an idea: the beginning of a story.

You've probably read that story: it's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The professor, though he liked to be called "Jack", was C. S. Lewis. Eventually the story became a whole series of books that have blessed so many people, adults and children alike, for decades.

That interruption became a blessing. And beyond that one scene, having children in the house and getting acquainted with them helped Lewis to write in a way that was so fascinating to children.

This story reminds me to thank God for the interruptions and to realize that He's in control.

Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men. (Colossians 3:23)
I like this verse. It tells me that whether I'm reading my Bible or getting my daughter a bandaid, I'm still serving God.

I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
This verse reminds me that the work God is doing in me today–whatever He is calling me to do or change—He is the one who is doing the work. It is in His strength that I follow Him. Even when I'm interrupted or distracted, He has begun a good work in me and He won't give up.

So if you're distracted today, trust God to make those interruptions into a blessing.

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